Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Catching Fire

I hope you all have seen Catching Fire! It seriously was so great! I've posted a bunch of pictures and a tailor below. 

I've read all of the books and I plan to reread them because the series is so good. 
If you don't know what the series is about, in short, the world is split into 12 districts. District 1 is the most wealthy and from there the districts get poorer. Each year there is one boy and one girl from each district are sent to a battle called the Hunger Games, where only one can return. There is a lot more than that but I don't want to spoil anything. 

There is also a love triangle going on in the movie between Katnis, Gale and Peta. I'm team Peta all the way!!! 

Box office budget was $130,000,000;  opening weekend $158,074,286 with a gross of $299,698,207 December 2nd 2013. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013


I'm in New York this week for the 3rd time in my life. Each time I've come to NY I have wanted to see Wicked but every time the people I'm with have seen it already or don't want to. This time around I decided I don''t care. I'm going to go alone. So I did! If you ever have the chance to see this show you have to! Its amazing and something that is just indescribable.

Its takes a really strong voice to sing a lot of the songs which proves the talent of these Broadway actors and actresses. Its so awesome to see that much talent on one stage, not only with the cast but with the set, sound, costumes, prop... All of it, everything you need to make a good performance.

The show is basically The Wizard of OZ, from a different perspective. In the show you learn about the Wicket Witch of the West (Elphaba) and the Good Witch (Glinda) meeting at school. At first they are enemies but eventually become friends. Elphaba is actually a really good person. I don't want to give anything away but it was a really awesome story. If you really want to know more details about the show just message me on Facebook or email me.

This is a YouTube clip of the lead character in the show I saw. Her name is Lindsay Mendez and she plays Elphaba. Its just behind the scenes with her.

This next video is in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the shows run. Its shows previous cast members and clips of their songs.

This is their official website. You can see the cast pictures and faqs about the show.

Original Cast. 

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Knights Tale

An oldie but a goodie!

I've loved this movie since it came out in 2001. I was in 4th or 5th grade and watched it non stop with my best friend! We use to reenact scenes from the movie and we were constantly listening to the awesome soundtrack! I recommend everyone watch this movie is you have not seen it yet.

I wont give to much away in case you have not seen it but basically, William (Heath) is homeless after his master dies. He had been with his master since he was a small boy and now he had no home or income. Afters a series of events William and his friends come up with a crazy idea. They decide he should pretend to be a Knight so they can win money to survive. I'll let you guys figure out what else happens.

It soo sad that Heath Ledger is gone because I know he could have should us so much more of his talent like he did in this movie! What a great actor and soo cute :)

This is a funny line in the movie. it happens right after a serious argument between William and his love interest Jocelyn. She refers to the lance as a stick and one of William's best friends sarcastically corrects her. 

This is Williams love Jocelyn teaching dancing a the ball.

This is Geoffry. He has a gambling problem and is found by the boys without his clothes because he lost them in a bet. They take him in and he helps hide their secret. Very entertaining character. 

William before as he is coming up with the idea to pretend to be a Knight. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

One Direction - Story of My Life

So I'm not crazy over One Direction but I definitely think they are a great group. I really love this song and the artistic value of the video. When I opened this video there had been 31,808,569 views and it was only released on Nov 3rd. I wish I would have done this before Jon came yesterday. Does the number of views on YouTube includes the number of views on the website? I think it all links back to the YouTube video but I'm not sure. 

Story of My Life

I went to their website to learn a little bit more about them and I found a behind the scenes video of Story of My Life. Its short but its pretty cool to see the guys making the video and how much fun they had in the process. 

Story of My Life-- Behind The Scenes

If you don't know anything about One Direction they are a group of 5 guys who were discovered my Simon Cowell in the UK X Factor competition in 2010. They all auditioned individually and did not know one another before the auditions. The X Factor judges decided the the group of boys would be a hit together and they were right! The boys only got 3rd place in the competition but in 2012 they hit the top 200 Billbord at #1 on the charts! 

Its really amazing how quickly a person or a group can become famous. Their lives changed almost instantly. It kind of makes you think about why so many stars who traveled to fame so quickly end up in rehab. I hope this doesn't happen to this group. 

Liam PayneLouis TomlinsonNiall HoranHarry Styles and Zayn Malik.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Celebrity Costumes 2013!

Well of course Chris and I are celebrities!
We ran into each other at a Halloween party last week! I was a lumber jack NOT a thug  and Chris was a referee. (Does anyone else think that word is spelled weird?)
We had so much fun and saw some crazy costumes. In all honesty I just wasn't feeling creative so I put on a Carhartt hat and a flannel shirt. 

I was creeping online and saw some great celebrity costumes so I thought I'd share. 

The Rock as The Hulk

Lea Michelle and friend

Hugh Hefner and Wife as Miley Cyrus and Robin Thick

Ellen as Nicki Minaj

Fergie and Josh Duhamel

Danielle Jonas as Hotdog lol

Honey Boo Boo's Family
I dont even know.... Gross

Heidi Klum
This is awesome! I wish I knew how long it took for her to do this!

Joan Rivers
Fat Miley Cyrus- I personally do not like Joan Rivers. Shes annoying and inappropriate almost all the time. 

John Stamos as the devil. 

Neil Patrick Harris and Family as Alice in Wonderland

Neil Patrick Harris and Family

Paris Hilton as Miley Cyrus

Perez Hilton as Miley Cyrus

Sandra Bullock and son

Snookie and J-Wow

Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon and Twins as Goldie locks and the three bears. 

Brody Jenner

Snookie and family as Wizard of Oz

Julianne Hough  as Orange is the New Black character
This one was very controversy because of the recent black face comments made through twitter. Julianne felt terrible and released an apology for her costume. 

Here is an article about the racist twitter comments made by two teenage girls if you have not read it. Its terrible. I feel bad that Julianne was put in a bad position because of the way these girls acted.